History At St Nicholas

What does History look like at St Nicholas?

In the Early Years, our History curriculum is under the umbrella of ‘Understanding of the World’ and is organised on a topic basis. Pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding of the past and present through hands-on experiences and personal discovery.

In Key Stage 1, History is focused on the individual, giving the pupil a chance to investigate their personal history and cultural background. The study of traditional stories is imperative in giving the pupil a chance to experience lives and lifestyles of familiar people and characters.  Children look for similarities and differences between life today and in the past.

In Key Stage 2, History is about people and important events and development from recent and more distant times in the locality, in Britain and in other parts of the world.  Children enjoy practical experiences of these developments, including outings to historical places and visitors coming to the school with artefacts for the children to explore.

Every teacher will make their history lessons inclusive, through their planning and consider ways of minimising or reducing barriers, so that all pupils can fully take part and develop their own learning.

Teachers across all key stages will support the children with additional adults to scaffold pupils’ learning, allowing them over time to begin to work independently.  Other ways of supporting children is the use of multi-sensory approaches, visual timetables and devices that indicate the structure and progress of lessons. Use of Role Play/ Drama / relating to relevant stories and personal experiences and making cross-curricular links with other subjects.